His Five Night Stand

Book 1 of Counting on Love

Five scorching nights, two fragile hearts, one broken rule...Five nights with a gorgeous man will make her forget her ex forever. At least that's what Callie's neighbor promised when Callie moves into a new apartment building. Devastated by her boyfriend's confession that he's in love with another woman, Callie can't imagine anything could heal her broken heart.

Loss has brought Theo to his knees before, so he knows just how to repair Callie's shattered confidence. After five nights in his arms, she'll leave her heartache behind, give voice to her deepest desires and be ready to forge a real, lasting love with someone new...it just won't be him.

Theo can give Callie back her voice and teach her to ask for what she wants from her lover, but what if she asks for more than he can give? Will he break his only rule - no falling in love - for her?

Bonus novella included in His Five Night Stand!

Before Theo met Callie, his heart belonged to someone else. Theo's world caught fire the day he met Grace. He should have known that love from a woman like her was destined to leave them both scorched and burned. The light in her eyes...The heat of her body...Theo was lost to her the moment they kissed.


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "This book was absolutely breathtaking. Each chapter was better than the last. I can't wait to read more of her work." - Happy Reading

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "I really enjoyed this book. It was crazy at times, sad and sometime s funny. It kept me guessing what was going to happen next. Really enjoyed reading." - Kathleen D, Goodreads Reviewer

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "I loved this book!!! The characters were fun, and fascinating. The protagonists evolved into a great match naturally." - Kyra C, Goodreads Reviewer

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "Oh wow so hot!!! Each moment, each page from beginning to end had me salivating. Callie and Theo chemistry literally scorched my fingers and burned my eyes. Just wow!!!" - Tuakana T, Goodreads Reviewer

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "This book is freaking awesome! I couldn't stop reading it. It's not only a beautiful love story but also a story of healing and loving yourself." - Wanda H, Goodreads Reviewer

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "This book was amazing! I could not put it down. I read the whole thing in one sitting. It was sexy, sweet, and romantic. You will just lose yourself in the story!" Kay S, Goodreads Reviewer

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "Enjoyed every minute of this book. If you are looking for a fun and romantic read this is for you. Emma's style of writing makes you laugh out loud, fills your heart with hope, pulls at your heart strings" - Amy H, Amazon Customer

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "Full of hot, steamy romance. Callie learns you can have whatever you want but you have to tell them you want it. I can't wait to read more from this author" - Coyote C, Amazon Customer

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "I fell in love with this book!! It was amazingly sexy, yet sweet. Very sensual, yet sweet. Lol. Confusing?? Sorry. I loved all the characters and the story was awesome. Don't miss this book. If you do believe me when I say you will miss something great!!!!" - Amazon Customer

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "I love this book! It's a must read and I plan on reading it again. I adore the characters! I can't wait to read more of her. I hope she writes about them again" - Jandi S, Amazon Customer

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "This book was an amazing ride! I loved watching two broken souls find passion first and then love. Ms. Thorne writes so well that you are transplanted to a vibrant world of passion and you are thrilled throughout the trip!" Sandy, Amazon Customer


“It’s this one,” Billie said, sorting through h er keys. “304.” As she fiddled with the keys someone opened the unit next door.

A tall guy wearing a black t-shirt and jeans stepped outside and turned to lock the door. He smiled as he glanced at Billie and me. I swallowed, my mouth immediately dry. This guy was jaw-droppingly gorgeous. He had wavy dark brown hair almost black, a strong jaw, and these amazing pale blue eyes that jumped out against his olive skin tone. He had broad shoulders, and strong biceps. When he turned away, I couldn’t help but notice that his backside was just as gorgeous. I had to remind myself not to stare again.

“Oh, that’s Theo,” Billie said to me softly. “Hey Theo!” she called a little louder. “New tenant, Callie. You should say hello. You two might be neighbors.” Her voice was a little sing-song as she fiddled with her keys.

“Oh, I don’t want to interrupt him,” I said, wishing I had bothered to brush my hair that morning. I didn’t even have on mascara since I’d cried it all off the night before.

Theo strode toward us smiling. His pale blue eyes were even more magnetic close up.

He held out his hand. “Pleased to meet you, Callie, or shall I say neighbor,” he gave my hand a firm squeeze. His voice had a lilt to it, British I assumed, though I’d never been really good with accents outside of knowing they made me melt.

His hands were large, strong and warm. I immediately liked the feeling of his skin against mine.

“Maybe neighbor,” I said, laughing as my cheeks burned. “I need to apply and see the place, but it seems nice. Like everyone I’ve met seems wonderful and so welcoming . . .”

His hair was slightly long so it hung in waves not quite hitting his shoulder or falling into his eyes. I had to fight the urge to reach out and brush the curls off his forehead. “Oh, you’ll like it here,” Theo said. “Billie runs a tight ship. Nothing but the most beautiful apartments this side of the University. Right Billie?”

“Got it!” Billie said holding up a key. I doubted she’d been listening to us at all. She’d fiddled with a series of keys before hitting pay dirt. “Almost thought I’d have to leave you here with Theo and who knows where that would lead.”

“Who knows?” he said, grinning at me.

“Right,” I said, smiling back thinking that being alone with Theo was not a horrible thought, not a horrible thought at all.

Billie opened the door and gestured for me to follow.

“I’ll leave you two to your tour then,” Theo said, nodding. “Later neighbor.” He turned and glanced back once with a smile before he walked down the hall.

“Bye,” I said, almost under my breath.

Chapter 1

“Hey babe, I’m home,” I called. With travel mug in one hand and a portfolio under my arm, I attempted to slip my house keys back into my purse and fumbled. Everything in my hands crashed onto the stone entryway of the condo.

“Shoot, sorry!” I called down the hall scrambling to clean up my mess. My purse had toppled open, contents spilling; I chased a rolling tube of lip gloss, and then I saw it. My cell phone landed face down on the hard stone. I braced myself.

The face was . . . smashed.

“Son of a beach,” I muttered to myself. Staring at the cracked glass I couldn’t help but think it was a sign from the universe; a metaphor that could not go unnoticed. Hey Callie, in case you haven’t picked up on the "S" show that is your career, you are having a really bad day.

Thanks Universe, I appreciate the sign. I wished I could flip off the universe.

My cell phone contract wasn’t up for another six months. This butterfingers move was going to cost me a few hundred dollars that I could not afford.

“The firm got the design job,” I said, slipping off my shoes and hanging my thin cardigan on a hook by the front door. “A $10 million project, top floor of the Smith Tower. Of course, Roxanne blamed me for the weather today, but she did use my designs even if she didn’t tell the client they were mine. I knew they were mine and the client loved them. So there Roxanne you big meanie.” I rounded the corner into the kitchen fiddling with my broken phone. “Have I mentioned yet how ready I am for our vacation . . . ?”

I glanced up to see Henry sitting at the kitchen bar beside Sophia, one of the paralegals from his office. Sunlight filtered into the kitchen from the floor to ceiling windows that faced downtown Seattle. There were two half empty glasses of red wine on the counter and their chairs were very close together.

“Oh, sorry,” I said, feeling awkward and embarrassed in my own home which was stupid. “Hey Sophia, I apologize for my rant there.” I smiled figuring if I didn’t act embarrassed the situation might be less embarrassing.

It didn’t help that Sophia was one of those beautiful pixie creatures with short blonde hair and bone structure so fine she could carry off any hair style. She radiated natural calm beauty.

I felt the exact opposite of calm natural beauty with my sweat stained silk tank and humidity styled wavy hair.

“You’re home early,” Henry said, standing. “Sophia was just leaving.”

Henry was Sophia’s mentor. They’d been spending late nights working on some legal briefs so I wasn’t surprised to see her at the house, especially on a day that Henry worked from home. I just wouldn’t have overshared about my day, and I was a little pissed at Henry for not giving me the heads up she was here.

“No, she’s fine,” I said, cheeks burning. “I just didn’t realize you were both here. You should finish whatever you were working on, like briefs . . . or whatever.” My voice trailed off as I wondered why there were no papers on the counter, no leather bound books, or no open laptops.

“I’ll go,” Sophia said standing. “I’m so sorry, Callie.” Her voice dropped to almost a whisper.

“No need to apologize,” I said, her comment confusing me. “Look my day sucked, you two can keep working. I’m going to get packed for our road trip.” Then as if in slow motion, I caught a glance between them.

Sophia to Henry, their eyes met, and then dropped to the counter as she fumbled for her purse. Where was her briefcase anyway? Lawyers were always walking around with leather briefcases.

“No, it’s best,” she said. “I really need to go.” That’s when I noticed that Sophia wore a short skirt, a very, very short skirt and a white blouse that was rather transparent and quite inappropriate for work. She ran into the living room to pick up her sweater, which was on the rug in front of the fireplace. Her heels lay next to the couch.

My pulse roared in my ears.

“Holy, uhh, shoot” I said, my head suddenly swimming with heat. “Is something going on here?” I asked, a strained smile crossing my face. My voice sounded oddly loud in my roaring head.

“Nothing is going on,” Henry said, his voice deepening as he moved toward me. Sophia stood by the couch wide-eyed. She looked like a startled doe facing an oncoming car. “Let’s not jump to conclusions without all the facts, Callie,” Henry continued.

It was such a lawyerly thing to say, I was instantly annoyed.

As he stood there looking at me, I took in his unbuttoned golf shirt and casual jeans, he never wore casual clothes like this with work people. He changed whenever he had an appointment. He said it was part of his plan to make partner; he never missed an opportunity to impress his team. And yet here he stood in casual dress with little miss scantily clad. His cheeks flushed, his light brown hair ruffled. He looked messed up, he looked . . .

“Disheveled,” I said, as Sophia brushed passed me mumbling some more awkward apologies as she headed to the door. “The facts are you look freaking disheveled.” My voice rose.

“I’ll call you Sophia,” Henry called after her.

My eyes darted from the kitchen table to the rug in front of the fireplace. “What you were doing? Please tell me this isn’t what it looks like. Oh my God, I’m going to throw up.”

We hadn't been around each other as much lately. I’d been working late nights preparing sketches for the Smith Tower Penthouse and Henry . . . well Henry was always working because he was going to make partner and making partner took long hours and sacrifice. This was the deal. We both understood it.

It occurred to me that Henry hadn’t answered me. I looked at him panicked. “You need to start talking and explain this. It doesn’t look good Henry. Start talking. Start talking to me now before I freak out.”

“You need to calm down.”

“You calm down!” I shouted as I paced in the kitchen clutching my arms across my body, and feeling queasy and cold with fear.

Henry exhaled audibly. “We didn't do anything,” Henry said, then in a softer voice. “I wouldn’t do that to you, Callie. I would never do anything like that while we were committed to each other.”

“Oh, thank God, thank you,” I bent over clutching my belly. A wave of relief moved through me and my eyes flooded with tears. Half laughing and crying, I sat down at the counter where just that morning Henry and I had shared breakfast. He had given me a pep talk before the big presentation reminding me that I was paying my dues as a junior designer and my job right now was to stay below the radar and make the firm look good.

My coffee cup sat by the edge of the sink. I lived here. This was my home. This was our home. I suddenly felt very stupid and very emotional.

“I’m sorry, that was just so weird, the two of you,” I laughed and ran my hands through my hair then covered my eyes. “I seriously thought you two had just done something. Crazy, right? I think I was projecting a bunch of work drama on you. I’m sorry, honey,” I said, looking up at him. “I shouldn’t have doubted you. Can we just open a bottle of wine and figure out which B&B we want to hit first on the coast tomorrow?”

I looked up to see Henry exhale and look at the ceiling, again. The tense look on his face chilled me. “You had reason to doubt me.” He squinted his dark brown eyes as if speaking caused him pain.

“But you didn’t do anything,” I whispered, the knots returning to my stomach. “I don’t understand . . .” I let my voice trail off because even as I said the words I knew it wasn’t true. I did understand. I knew exactly what was coming next even if my heart and mind wanted to stay blind and dumb.

Henry sat down next to me and reached across the countertop to hold my hand. I let him. I wanted his touch. In fact, I wanted to go back in time and rewind the last fifteen minutes of my life. “Please don’t do this,” I whispered, feeling sick and weak. “Please, Henry.”

“I was going to talk to you tonight,” he said, his voice low and steady, his eyes locked on my face. “There is no good time for something like this Callie.”

“Don’t do this Henry,” I repeated, hating the pleading tone of my voice unable to stop it. I had loved this man for five years. He was my world. We had plans, not just road trip plans for the week, but life plans. We were partners. We loved each other. I belonged with him here in this condo. I’d been with Henry for so long my brain could not imagine an alternate ending.

“Sophia and I didn’t have sex, we have never had sex,” Henry said, still holding my hand. “Sophia and I are in love.”

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